Sheffield Hallam University Events Management
Since 2002, The Events Management Team at Sheffield Hallam University have been teaching students how to create unforgettable experiences and become part of the events industry’s future. Our graduates now work in all sectors across the UK and globally. We deliver degrees in Events, Festivals, Entertainment and Esports Management, covering all sectors and aspects from design and marketing to data analysis, operations and leadership.
Our degrees are taught by industry-experienced academic staff, specialist visiting lecturers and industry guests and focus on applied, experiential learning, bringing industry and students together for a more meaningful experience, creating talent and networks for the future. We relish and welcome our relationships with industry organisations including guest speakers, course content contributions and work experience opportunities. We value the impact this has on shaping students’ futures and their contribution to the industry after graduation.
Graduates of our courses leave with knowledge and industry experience, but also as digitally-savvy, independent thinkers with a can-do attitude and a focus on supporting a sustainable, inclusive and ethical future industry.
Regional Coverage:
East Midlands, East of England, London, North East, North West, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber