4 Nations
The Power of Events celebrates and showcases events of all types from across the four nations of the UK. Recognition and support for the rich diversity of events that help attract visitors and grow local, regional and national event activity is one of the main missions for the Visits that we showcase on this platform.
Visit Scotland, Visit England, Visit Wales and Tourism Northern Ireland are responsible for both the development of tourism and the marketing of their national destination. They share very similar strategic goals, including the development of world class products, experiences and events, which is why they are such important partners for everyone working in the UK event industry. Each of the organisations showcased here on The Power of Events have different operating models but all focus on providing a warm welcome to visitors of all types – from leisure and culture to business and inward investors.
They all promote the features that are an essential part of the complex eco-system that events operate in – from world famous venues and destinations, to academia and research institutes, innovation and industry centres. Collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders is part of their DNA and helps them attract a wide range of international congresses, conferences, conventions, meetings and incentive trips, as well as hosting world famous cultural festivals, performances and bespoke sporting events.
Northern Ireland
Tourism Northern Ireland (Tourism NI) is responsible for the development of tourism and the marketing of Northern Ireland as a tourist destination to domestic tourists (from within Northern Ireland) and visitors coming to Northern Ireland from the Republic of Ireland. Tourism NI is a non-departmental public body of the Department for the Economy. They work closely with other tourism bodies to develop the Northern Ireland tourism industry. These bodies include Tourism Ireland, which is responsible for marketing Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to Great Britain and overseas markets; and Visit Britain, which promotes the UK at an international level.
VisitScotland, the national tourism organisation for Scotland, has as its main aim to contribute significantly to the advancement of Scottish tourism by giving it a real presence in the global marketplace and benefiting the whole of Scotland.
It works closely with individual businesses, public agencies and local authorities and other tourism stakeholders to maximise the economic benefits of tourism to Scotland.
VisitEngland, the National Tourism Agency, supports the sustainable growth of the English visitor economy by providing businesses and destinations with the platforms, advice, training and insights they need to grow, and winning business events in priority sectors.
MeetEngland is the business events arm of VisitEngland, responsible for promoting England as a leading destination for business events. The MeetEngland team provides a comprehensive range of impartial and complimentary services to international event organisers, including innovative events ideas, English service providers, industry sector intel and all the very latest news on England’s leading destinations, venues and professional services.

The event industry’s reliance on data to help it plan for the future, increase its resilience, manage risk and justify investment decisions, is growing year on year.
The engagement and access that The Power of Events (UK) has across all 7 sectors of the industry, enables data gathering and in-depth research projects to be delivered confidently and consistently. This will be primarily facilitated through the new insight app to be launched on 28th Sep 2023.
By bringing the industry and university partners together, research projects will be designed to deliver real benefits to the industry in terms of trend analysis, insights and performance improvements.