All Research Home / All Research All Research Making Festivals Count EIF Ongoing research undertaken to answer the question that seems to come on a daily basis, not only from festivals but from local and national government and various other bodies in the industry. POWERED BY FREELANCERS -THE LIVE MUSIC EDITION 2024 LIVE At LIVE events ltd their aim is to ensure that whole of your event runs smoothly from the initial planning to the event conclusion. Live Recruitment 2024 Events Industry Salary Survey LIVE Recruitment The Live Recruitment 2024 Events Industry Salary Survey is the UK’s most comprehensive source for events salary data and industry insights. It covers benefit packages, salary brackets for specific positions, and key industry trends for the coming year. Event Industry Insight App Registration Findings THE POWER OF EVENTS (UK) The Industry Speaks’ Entourage Pro: Insights report 2023 Entourage Pro Attached are two images which are decent snapshots. Feel free to choose others if you need to. Temperature check 2022-2023: An exploration of sustainable progress in the UK event industry. The Temperature Check 2022-2023 is the first industry report from events industry body isla examining sustainable progress in the UK event industry. Purple Guide Designed to establish consistently safe standards for the running of outdoor events, from music concerts to country fairs, the Guide is an online publication, which enables it to be constantly revised and updated. The First UK Electronic Music Industry Report Electronic Beats, Economic Treats The benefits of the electronic music industry to the UK How electronic music keeps the UK economy thriving The first UK electronic music industry report. Demonstrating the economic, community and cultural value of the electronic music industry in the UK.